Welcome to gladesville ryde physie

With a reputation for a welcoming community and passionate teachers, Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club cares about each of their members becoming the best they can be. Our aim is that every girl, teen or lady leaves class feeling stronger, more positive and healthier than before!

Physie is the key to unlocking their potential

Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club: Preschoolers
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club: Girls
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club: Ladies

I love the social aspect. I’ve made some wonderful friends in the last 9 years and still enjoy catching up with friends who I did Physie with as a little girl. And of course I love the fitness and flexibility that Physie brings. I’m very proud to say that at 9 months pregnant I was still able to put my hands flat on the floor beside my feet!” – Dani (Open Ladies) and Olive (Pre schooler)

Physie, the perfect combination of dance and sport for girls and women

Fun, upbeat pop music is the soundtrack to a sport that fuses dance styles such as jazz, ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, aerobic dance and even yoga! Our innovative choreography changes annually and is designed for maximum variety and fun.

From tiny tots to ladies, Physie will be the highlight of your week for years to come.

Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club - perfect combination of dance and sport
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club is a proud BJP physie club

Gladesville Ryde is proud to be a BJP Physie Club

With over 200 locations, BJP Physie is Australia’s longest running and premier Physie organisation. Founded 125 years ago by Bjelke-Petersen School of Physical Culture, BJP has proudly inspired generations of Australians to exercise both body and mind through this remarkable sport.

“Physie is girly, loud, exciting, beautiful, friendly, graceful, helpful and addictive!” – Gabrielle

Every class has been carefully crafted to create the perfect mix of dance + exercise

After greeting your friends and being welcomed to the class by your caring teacher, you’ll begin with some easy stretching and warming up. Next, you’ll practice your posture by marching or start learning a new dance routine.

For the little ones there are always fun games that everyone loves. Each lesson is designed to make sure that you improve a little every single week and caters to the ability level of the group.

Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club is perfect mix of dance and exercise

Designed with families in mind

Our annual club membership is $45 and registration with BJP is $77. Our term fees (four terms per year) range from $85 to $135. With no expensive costumes or performance fees, Physie is an affordable way to learn to dance and keep fit with a touch of glamour and a lot of fun! We are located in 2 convenient locations, Boronia Park and Meadowbank.

Uniting Church Hall Boronia Park (Opposite Harris Farm), 95 Pittwater Road
Boronia Park NSW 2111

Meadowbank Public School, Thistle Street

Ryde NSW 2112

Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club competition image 1
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club competition image 1
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club competition image 1
Gladesville Ryde Physical Culture Club competition image 1

Try a class for FREE

The best way to discover Physie is to come in for a free class. We are sure you will fall in love with our wonderful sport and make some new friends too. Simply fill in the form below and our friendly team will be in touch to organise your first class.

13 + 8 =